

A Fee-Only, Independent Financial Advisor
Located in Mytown, USA.

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(360) 335-3393

financial advisor wealth management
Financial Advisor


Our dynamic approach is Unusual, Comprehensive, Complete, and Built for you.

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Financial Advisor


A distinctive approach, backed by our exceptional qualifications.

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Financial Advisor


We weave expert tax consulting directly into our wealth management service.

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retirement planning

ENJOY Your Retirement Years

 We offer customized, non-proprietary solutions solely in 
 our Clients’ best interest. 


CEO Image

A message from the Founder.

„Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.“

Dave White, CEO

CCO Image

Advice from our Portfolio Manager.

„Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.“

Julia Black, Portfolio Manager

12 NOV

Social Security Change: What You Should Know

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut augue at elit molestie commodo in non arcu. Duis in massa nec tortor congue tincidunt.

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12 MAY

The Value of Financial Advice

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut augue at elit molestie commodo in non arcu. Duis in massa nec tortor congue tincidunt.

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Fun facts


57 percent of investors have not set financial goals


67 percent of people have no financial plan.

Gut Instincts

77 percent of investors are making decisions on gut instinct.

investment knowledge

20 percent of investors claim that their investment knowledge is very strong.